Index of /Key References/

A new global sea-level curve – GeoExpro_files/   08-May-2024 19:22                   -
Robertson_Reports_compilation/                     08-May-2024 18:46                   -
04_EXXONMOBIL+MADAGASCAR+FARM-DOWN+OVERVIEW+201..> 07-Jul-2022 21:13            20612285
2005 Somalia - Report w hilites.pdf                21-Jul-2022 17:29            19992626
2006_Tengiz_Kenter_etal_2006.pdf                   02-Feb-2023 02:14             9861796
2008 Tengiz Field Kenter et al (Chevron).pdf       17-Nov-2022 18:39             3019550
2013_Tengiz_Collins_etal.pdf                       02-Feb-2023 02:11            17390565
2015_AAPG_Lamu_offshore_Petroleum_System_SLB.pdf   02-Mar-2023 11:16             1944717
2015_LamuBasinKenya_ndx_osidcki.pdf                19-Jul-2022 14:13             1944717
2016_Somalia_paper.pdf                             08-Jul-2022 15:21             3297238
2017 Davidson et al SE Somalia.pdf                 14-Nov-2022 18:58             9508630
2019-Exxon_Lisa_Growing-Upstream-Value.pdf         30-Nov-2022 21:41             8135256
A new global sea-level curve – GeoExpro.html     20-Mar-2023 13:50              195523
AOC_VIEW_Announcement_FINAL (1).pdf                03-Jan-2023 16:45            11626304
BooteMachetteDownsEAPetSystems8thPESGB-HGSConfe..> 16-Nov-2022 13:04              502329
Bosellini 1992, Continental Margins of Somalia,..> 03-Jan-2023 16:56            14932615
Cameia_field_Kwanza_Basin.pdf                      14-Jan-2023 23:31             1132104
Characteristics-and-potential-analysis-of-Madag..> 23-Aug-2022 17:36             1164656
EastAfricaRiftspurcell_2017_reimagining_EAR.pdf    07-Jul-2022 21:12             3660401
EthiopiaHYDROCARBON SOURCE ROCK POTENTIAL EVALU..> 18-Oct-2022 14:54             2911767
Exploring_the_Jurassic_madagascar Poster.pdf       08-Nov-2022 19:50             7381424
Exploring_the_Jurassic_madagascar Poster1.pdf      08-Nov-2022 19:52             4846067
FairwayFinder_Neftex.pdf                           07-Jul-2022 21:11             2038899
GeochMadagascar_em Geophys Geosyst - 2016 - Phe..> 07-Jul-2022 22:02             3342924
Geology of Somalia paper 2002.pdf                  22-Jul-2022 16:56             1049968
Guyana_Stabroek_Farm_Down_Flyer Jan15.pdf          04-Nov-2022 15:59              640432
Guyana_Stabroek_Farm_Down_Flyer Jan15Liza.pdf      10-Nov-2022 17:58              640432
Hess2019 Credit Suisse Energy Summit (1).pdf       04-Nov-2022 16:36             3167563
Hydrocarbon source rock potential evaluation of..> 07-Jul-2022 21:12             3013348
Integrated Well Construction Overview SLB- Dec ..> 29-Dec-2022 01:02             3009455
Kilimanjaro_Agfoye_Coriole_volumes report.pdf      03-Jan-2023 18:01             9145624
Macgregor_tectonicsandpsofeastafricanriftsfinal..> 07-Jul-2022 21:13             2133225
Madagascar_USGS_Survey_69_GG_CH_11.pdf             24-Apr-2023 14:59             8050269
Petroleum_Geology_Ogaden_Basin_1979_lr.pdf         16-Jul-2022 21:54             2208488
Preliminary Study on the Jurassic Sequence in t..> 27-Apr-2023 13:01             5289896
References_list_Somalia.docx                       16-Nov-2022 16:02               23116
Regional Basin Setting & Geology, June2015 V2.pptx 07-Jul-2022 21:22            59404059
Regional Overview of Petroleum Geology of Somal..> 16-Nov-2022 14:34            47844521
ndx_pantano.pdf                                    01-Jun-2021 20:38              580264
ndx_snedden.pdf                                    03-Jun-2022 22:43              289072